Our system will now automatically make daily backups of your published theme customizations, keeping them for up to one year.
It keeps daily backups of the last published theme of the day. If you publish 3 times in a day, it will only keep the last theme you publish.
You can export the configuration as JSON file for manual backup.
You can find these Global Backups in Theme Builder > Settings.
"Download Backup" - this will produce a .json file that you can save to your computer. It will contain all of your current Theme Builder configurations.
"Import from external" - allows you to upload your previously saved .json file. Once imported, it will be marked as a new Draft. You will need to Publish the newly uploaded configurations from any of the Theme Builder solutions' screen that has the "Publish" button.
Each solution with the Theme Builder menu will have its own set of backup controls at the top-right. This is where you can export solution-specific Backup files, import solution-specific Backup files, and revert to a previous Backup.
"Actions" button - This button allows you to export or import a .json file specific to that solution. This is helpful for backing up something you are testing but not ready to publish.
Version History Dropdown - This allows you to revert a particular solution back to an earlier version as a draft without affecting other solutions.
Related Help Docs:
"Inspect Mode" For Theme Builder: